About Our Site

This site is a special collection of the best quotes by and about women. Some of the quotes were written by men about women, while others were stated by women about themselves. As you can see there is a big difference between how men and women see themselves.

Our goal in assembling these quotes is to provide a handy reference collection for anyone looking for quotes about women for inclusion in a speech or essay. We have organized our collection of quotes by topic, including Strong Women Quotes, Inspirational Women Quotes. We also feel that these quotes say a lot about the society and the times when they were written. If you look closely, you will notice that there is frequently a dichotomy between these quotes about women:

some see women as domestic angels, the best part of humanity, while others portray women as cunning and manipulative, the downfall of men. By including misogynistic quotes in our collection we are in no way condoning hate or discrimination against women. In fact we hope that by exposing some of this wrong headed views about women we will spark a better understanding of the discrimination and chauvinistic attitudes that women have had to face and still face today.

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